Friends are friends, but sometimes friends get a little closer one another, due to a convergence of interest, problems or common projects. That was the case of Kevin and me, the last days in Berlin.
We both came from T-systems and was there where we established a good friendship based on mutual trust and respect. I remember , smiling, when he stood up in the middle of chaotic team work, and made (forced) us, to go ahead through his clever visions about how to solve a problem in the Consulting training program where we meet.
Now Kevin is leading a little consulting company in UK specialized on Outsoucing program management, and we were sharing last week our thoughts about how the new web 2.0 philosophy and tools can help companies, administrations and politics to improve the conversation with their customers, and how we could play this game.
We were not always agree about the real influences of this kind of tools in a market which is still living on the industrial ages behaviour, but anyway we both are fascinated with the potential impact of this new “revolution”.
Kevin sent me an interesting link of David Cameron website. Cameron is the current leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition in the UK …and why not, the next Prime Minister if his using of the new media, allows him to reach the heaven of the Stars.
Independently how close one feel to his political line, what is clear is that he is a good example of how to became a 2.0 Politic fenomen.
Keep us in touch, Kevin.
Etiquetado: 2.0, amigos, blogosfera
A Cameron se le ha criticado mucho incluso le han dedicado vídeos-crítica por su camaleónico discurso. Pero desde luego su site viene e consonancia con las últimas tendencias en comunicación política.